Monday, May 9, 2011

My First Mother's Day

Since Mother's Day is on a Sunday and we couldn't really do much, I decided we should celebrate on Saturday instead. The weather was beautiful and since our house was showing pretty much all afternoon, we decided to go up to Boulder and hike the Flatirons. Eli experienced his Baby Bjorn for the first time ever and he loved it. He was so well behaved the entire hike. He waved and gave high fives to the passing hikers and was just in aww of all the scenery, people, sunshine and nice breeze. It was a fun day but geez, we sure are out of shape! If you've ever hiked the Boulder Flatirons, it's not exactly difficult terrain but we seriously struggled and were both completely exhausted afterwards. Kind of embarrassing...

No trip to Boulder is complete without going to my one of my favorite restaurants ever, Cheba Hut!
If you haven't heard of this place there are only 4 that I know of, 2 in Fort Collins, 1 in Boulder and 1 in Denver. I feel uncomfortable every time I go there because it is completely Marijuana-themed. Obviously, not my thing. The menu items are named after vaious types of Marijuana, the restaurant is decorated in pot leaves and stoner-friendly bumper stickers, they play Bob Marley constantly which, I absolutely HATE, the list goes on. However, I cannot deny that Cheba Hut truly has the most amazing sandwiches I've ever tasted. Also, I'm slightly ashamed to say that while I was in school in Fort Collins, I probably ate there often enough to single-handedly keep the restaurant in business. Basically, if you come across one, I strongly recommend it. And with that, my Mother's Day was perfectly complete. Except, it was only Saturday!

Lately I have been craving a Cinnabon, there's one inside the Schlotzky's right by our house and every time we drive by it I say how much I want one but never seem to simply pull over and get one. So, Jason got me one on Saturday and somehow kept it hidden from me until Sunday morning when he surprised me with it for breakfast... along with a nice card and present (a pair of white pants- something I've also been wanting but never simply went to buy). We went to church and later in the evening Jason cooked a nice dinner and made yummy white chocolate-covered strawberries- YUM! All in all, a very nice Mother's Day.

I'm pretty impressed with my 10 month-old's writing and drawing abilities ;o)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

As of Late...

I haven't updated my blog in a while because we've been pretty busy plus I lost my camera in the move... I finally found it but the battery was dead, it took me a while to find the charger and once I did, I couldn't find the USB. Sheesh! I've found everything though and can now return to blogging.
Recently in the life of these Glovers, my mom moved to Florida and her house is on the market to sell while we are living in it. It's been showing a lot so hopefully it sells and we can stop having to pick up and skidaddle at the drop of a dime when people want to come see it. Other than that small downside, this house feels like a palace and we absolutely love living here! It's only 3 bedrooms/3 baths, but in comparison to our tiny little 1 bedroom, this is quite an upgrade. Pretty soon we'll be back to being poor college kids and although living in a 1 bedroom probably won't suffice ever again, I think it's safe to say we won't be living this luxurious for at least a few years. Darn.
On another note, we have finalized our plans for the big move. Yes, we ARE still moving. I know with all the tornadoes in Alabama lately people have been questioning our plans. As long as UAB's still intact, we'll still be going there. Jason starts school on August 16th but we're going to leave July 1st so we can travel a bit. We'll start by driving down to Dallas to visit some family for the 4th of July, head to Birmingham to find a place to live, sign a lease starting in August and then head out to Florida to visit my parents for a few days. They haven't found a house to buy so while they look for one they're currently renting a condo on St. Petersburg Beach, it's so beautiful and we can't wait to visit! After that we'll go up to Myrtle Beach to visit Jason's parents for awhile and from there we may or may not make a short trip up to D.C. to visit his Aunt and see the sights. I've never been before. Around the beginning of August we'll head back to Birmingham to get settled in before school starts. That's the plan at least, who knows if all will all go accordingly? Most of the trips will be 8-10 hours of driving at a time so I think we'll try to do our traveling by night when Eli will hopefully be asleep. I'm so excited for an entire month of vacationing ahead of us! I doubt we'll have this opportunity again for a while so we better live it up while we can.
Eli update: Last month he went for his 9 month appointment and weighing in at a whopping 14.1 pounds, we were told... he's too little! Shocking. I'm pretty sure Eli is the smallest non-preemie baby ever. Anyway, I was given 6 weeks to fatten him up before we take him back for a weight check. If he still hasn't grown enough then they'll send him to Children's to have blood work done and check for an underlying condition. I'm pretty sure his parents are the underlying condition. Not to mention that he started crawling, which would obviously make it difficult to gain weight at the same rate he was gaining it before. Nevertheless, I'm doing all I can to plump the little tot up. The pediatrician suggested melting butter into all of his food but every time I do that Eli won't eat it. I'm pretty sure he hates butter. So, I thought of mixing his formula with whole milk instead of water, but that wasn't cutting it so I've concocted something that finally seems to have done the trick: 2 ounces of heavy whipping cream, 6 ounces of whole milk and 4 scoops of formula, 3 times a day. As you can probably imagine, he's looking pretty chunky these days. He'll have his weight check in 2 weeks, I'm crossing my fingers he'll be sufficiently fat.

It took him a little time to warm up to the swing, but pretty soon he loved it!

Eli and his best buddy Hailey. Sara is the wife of one of Jason's co-workers, she wanted someone for Hailey to play with and contacted me, I'm so glad because we have become good friends and I love having another mom to hang out with who has a baby the same age as mine. They don't really play together they mostly just play next to each other, Hailey likes to pull Eli's hair while he steals her toys. But it's still fun to get them together.

My little thumb sucker. At least you can take away the binky, how on am I ever going to break this habit?

Gerber Puffs are a little too healthy/low-calorie for this little guy so we switched to Cheetos Puffs instead. He likes them better too.
Bath time, he looks so goofy here.